nwg2008: poppies
nwg2008: swallowtail
nwg2008: poppy
nwg2008: marbledwhite
nwg2008: Rainbow
nwg2008: house on the hill
nwg2008: Wood White
nwg2008: Map
nwg2008: Cowslip
nwg2008: Meadow Cranesbill
nwg2008: Common Spotted Orchid
nwg2008: Grass Vetchling
nwg2008: A dull day among the Forget-me-not
nwg2008: Fly Agaric
nwg2008: Backlit Blackthorn
nwg2008: Brimstone on Purple Loosestrife
nwg2008: Last years Knapweeds