nwg2008: Green Hairstreak
nwg2008: Peacock
nwg2008: sooty copper
nwg2008: comma
nwg2008: swallowtail
nwg2008: migrant hawker
nwg2008: greentigerbeetle
nwg2008: marbledwhite
nwg2008: greentigerbeetle2
nwg2008: comma
nwg2008: 4spch
nwg2008: Spidlers - lots of 'em
nwg2008: A Longhorn Beetle
nwg2008: Common Blue
nwg2008: Beautiful Demoiselle
nwg2008: Wood White
nwg2008: Map
nwg2008: Swallow Tail
nwg2008: Swallow Tail
nwg2008: Swallow Tail
nwg2008: Dance Fly
nwg2008: Vibrant and Alive!!!!!!
nwg2008: dull and washed out....
nwg2008: A dull day among the Forget-me-not
nwg2008: Immature Black-tailed Skimmer
nwg2008: Banded Demoiselle
nwg2008: Banded demoiselle
nwg2008: Large Emerald