nwad: nik, pen behind the ear, post race
nwad: people gather for Big Trouble in Little China(town)
nwad: post race shenanigans, marcel
nwad: a heat of racers. benzy holds the tall guy.
nwad: adam with a piece of chalk
nwad: general post race shenanigans
nwad: roller racing party ....something of death 2
nwad: sam, rob, cale
nwad: cale
nwad: the event hosts
nwad: nik racing
nwad: benzy
nwad: pip, a few minutes before he is due at work
nwad: nabbers
nwad: nik helps home a table on wheels that we got from a roadside free pile.
nwad: magda makes a movie
nwad: me and the ostrich got "doored"
nwad: bent basket boo
nwad: nik and bikes on pier
nwad: .
nwad: hot stuff
nwad: nik, strut