nvaine: 20110201 the source of much frustration
nvaine: 20110202 hardware and software
nvaine: 20110203 hot red... printer?
nvaine: 20110204 sinking
nvaine: 20110205 it all hinges on this
nvaine: 20110206 straight 6, sweetie
nvaine: 20110207 mechanicals
nvaine: 20110208 software upgrade failed
nvaine: 20110209 rather a dull one, actually
nvaine: 20110210 soup is good photo
nvaine: 20110211 my point? get bent
nvaine: 20110212 heres the dish
nvaine: 20110213 knew i forgot to do something yesterday
nvaine: 20110214 mandible? mangle?
nvaine: 20110215 my point? not much of one...
nvaine: 20110215.5 they rationed points?
nvaine: 20110216 looking up, looking up up
nvaine: 20110217 look! up in the sky!
nvaine: 20110218 you can never have too much on hand
nvaine: 20110219 gone wild
nvaine: 20110221 the rush to be terminal
nvaine: 20110221 no really, look up
nvaine: 20110222 ba
nvaine: 20110223 Twelve?
nvaine: 20110224 is it me?
nvaine: 20110225 oh, fork it
nvaine: 20110226 every day
nvaine: 20110227 2359
nvaine: 2011-02-28 bead down so long