nvaine: 20090801 for DM Rosner
nvaine: 20090802 preparing to pounce
nvaine: 20090803 honey, I'll be outside taking a shower
nvaine: 20090804 note to self:
nvaine: 20090805 almost ready
nvaine: 20090806 really almost ready
nvaine: 20090807 hey!
nvaine: How thoughtful of you
nvaine: 20090808 the face of a minor demon
nvaine: 20090808 all together now: awwww
nvaine: 20090809 cue the "Mission Impossible" music
nvaine: 20090810 and... there! shot him!
nvaine: 20090826 let's play a game of...
nvaine: 20090813 what do you do in the middle of a lightning storm?
nvaine: 20090814 not yet
nvaine: 20090815 not that one
nvaine: 20090816 harder than it looks
nvaine: 20090817 you never know...
nvaine: 20090818 my living room
nvaine: 20090819 grainy wasp butt
nvaine: 20090821 breakfast
nvaine: 20090822 my houseguest
nvaine: 20090824 how not to clamp
nvaine: 20090825 caps etc
nvaine: 20090826 sad
nvaine: 20090823 bowling
nvaine: 20090826 let the stupid cat photos begin!
nvaine: 20090827 how not to take cat photos
nvaine: 20090828 white balcony
nvaine: 20090830 gotta dance