nutrichris: Christina Wilkinson interviewed by NY1
nutrichris: Cheshire Frager and Jerry Rotondi
nutrichris: Jerry Rotondi interviewed by NY1
nutrichris: Christina Wilkinson with bullhorn
nutrichris: Councilwoman Elizabeth Crowley
nutrichris: Christina Wilkinson speaks at rally
nutrichris: Introducing Jeff Gottlieb
nutrichris: Reading Onorato statement
nutrichris: Evelyn Cruz, representing Congresswoman Nydia Velazquez
nutrichris: Farouk Samaroo, Assembly District 38 candidate
nutrichris: More bullhorning
nutrichris: Thumbs down to the Waste Management plan
nutrichris: Thumbs up for park plan
nutrichris: Part of the crowd
nutrichris: Jerry Rotondi and Farouk Samaroo
nutrichris: Global Industry dumpsters and truck on St. Saviour's property
nutrichris: Global Industry dumpsters and trucks on St. Saviour's property
nutrichris: Global Industry dumpsters and truck on St. Saviour's property
nutrichris: Stop Work Order issued 7-17-09