NunoCardoso: Empty Japanese train, ads
NunoCardoso: Showa-kan
NunoCardoso: Imperial palace moat
NunoCardoso: Imperial palace moat
NunoCardoso: Budokan
NunoCardoso: Science museum
NunoCardoso: GT-R in Tokyo
NunoCardoso: Nice sidewalks
NunoCardoso: Beer fest in Tokyo
NunoCardoso: Me in a Tokyo subway
NunoCardoso: Restaurant dishes display
NunoCardoso: Restaurant dishes display
NunoCardoso: Dinner - look at the pink thing!
NunoCardoso: Lunch: fried beans, fried pumpkin, fried squid, you get the point
NunoCardoso: Nice restaurant with tree
NunoCardoso: Nice restaurant with tree
NunoCardoso: My NTCIR poster
NunoCardoso: New profile picture
NunoCardoso: Don't forget the metro card, in cartoon style
NunoCardoso: Garage rotating floor
NunoCardoso: Mmmm Spam sandwich for sale here
NunoCardoso: "THis ECO drive is now after you"
NunoCardoso: Skyline GT-R R34
NunoCardoso: Sleeping in the subway
NunoCardoso: Ronaldo shorts
NunoCardoso: Tokyo map book
NunoCardoso: UFO stuff... OK
NunoCardoso: Capsule Inn Shinjuku
NunoCardoso: Hotel capsules
NunoCardoso: No tattoos allowed