Lorie Shaull: Baby Trump ballon at First Avenue in Minneapolis, Minnesota
Lorie Shaull: Before the rally, Trump supporters take a selfie with the Baby Trump balloon outside First Avenue
Lorie Shaull: A Trump supporter passing by protesters outside Target Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota
Lorie Shaull: A Trump supporter passing by protesters outside Target Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota
Lorie Shaull: Trump protesters outside Target Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota
Lorie Shaull: Trump protesters outside Target Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota
Lorie Shaull: Trump protesters outside Target Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota
Lorie Shaull: Baby Trump ballon at First Avenue in Minneapolis, Minnesota
Lorie Shaull: A Trump protester holds a Human Decency sign outside Target Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota
Lorie Shaull: A Trump protester holds a Pay Your Bills sign outside Target Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota
Lorie Shaull: Baby Trump ballon at First Avenue in Minneapolis, Minnesota
Lorie Shaull: Trump supporters and protesters in Minneapolis, Minnesota
Lorie Shaull: Trump supporters look out the windows of Target Center at protesters below in Minneapolis, Minnesota