Lorie Shaull:
How much you wanna make a bet I can hit this ball over the Jefferson Memorial? #WerthGoesGnome
Lorie Shaull:
Jayson Werth garden gnome; don't leave gnome without it!
Lorie Shaull:
Dropping by The Capitol #WerthGoesGnome
Lorie Shaull:
Gnome and the dome #WerthGoesGnome
Lorie Shaull:
#WerthGoesGnome and the Washington Monument
Lorie Shaull:
Did somebody say four score? #WerthGoesGnome
Lorie Shaull:
Hey pal, hands off the gnome! #WerthGoesGnome
Lorie Shaull:
Milked the gnome photos for all they're Werth #WerthGoesGnome