nulldevice: Matt and Dan
nulldevice: Matt and Chuck
nulldevice: The Lovely Elizabeth
nulldevice: Getting set up
nulldevice: the stage
nulldevice: Lisa, Merchbot extraordinaire
nulldevice: Chuck, Chillin
nulldevice: Matt Fanale
nulldevice: Wendy
nulldevice: Wendy does the "oh no you didn't!" gesture
nulldevice: Blurry Chuck
nulldevice: Dan, Dan's manskirt, and ROCK
nulldevice: Dan flips the bird
nulldevice: Manskirt (detail)
nulldevice: Matt asks if we're ready
nulldevice: Matt announces
nulldevice: Dan tears it up
nulldevice: Eric in Motion!
nulldevice: Elizabeth, ready to play
nulldevice: Chuck rocks the fretless
nulldevice: Dan's a sweaty, sweaty guy
nulldevice: Sing! SING!
nulldevice: Elizabeth and Chuck
nulldevice: Facing the wrong way
nulldevice: emote! EMOTE!
nulldevice: The whole band
nulldevice: A brief pause
nulldevice: The rhythm section
nulldevice: Dark eric
nulldevice: Eric proves that he can do so,ething useful