NUEnglish: Cake Apr21 2008
NUEnglish: Before the party Apr21 2008.jpg
NUEnglish: Mickey Young at Heart Apr21 2008
NUEnglish: Bill Martin, Mickey Apr21 2008
NUEnglish: Judy Merkle, Marilynn Fleckenstein Apr21 2008
NUEnglish: Cake eaten Apr21 2008
NUEnglish: Father Levesque Apr21 2008
NUEnglish: Everybody Say Cheese Apr21 2008
NUEnglish: Mickey smiles Apr21 2008
NUEnglish: Mickey, Joseph Levesque Apr21 2008
NUEnglish: Mickey Opens Presents Apr21 2008
NUEnglish: Joseph Levesque, Mickey Apr21 2008
NUEnglish: Marilynn Fleckenstein, Paula Kot, Mickey Apr21 2008
NUEnglish: Mickey, John Sauter Apr21 2008
NUEnglish: Jamie Carr, Micky Ap21 2008
NUEnglish: Mickey, Bonnie Rose Apr21 2008
NUEnglish: Mickey cuts cake Apr21 2008
NUEnglish: Hallway Apr 21 2008
NUEnglish: Jamie Carr Apr21 2008
NUEnglish: Closeup Mickey Apr21 2008
NUEnglish: Jeanne Laurel, Mickey Apr21 2008
NUEnglish: Nathan James, Rita Pollard's newest grandson, little brother of Jonas
NUEnglish: Daniel Pinti as newly ordained Deacon
NUEnglish: Newly minted Deacon Daniel Pinti & Family
NUEnglish: Dan Pinti in clerical collar
NUEnglish: Dan Pinti kneels during ordination as Deacon
NUEnglish: Dan Pinti vows to be a terrific deacon
NUEnglish: Dr. William Martin, back from sabbatical