Nick Turland: Foreland point lighthouse
Nick Turland: Foreland point lighthouse
Nick Turland: Foreland point lighthouse cottage
Nick Turland: Sunset over the Bristol Channel
Nick Turland: Foreland Point lighthouse
Nick Turland: Foreland Point lighthouse
Nick Turland: Near Heddon's Mouth, looking to Foreland Point
Nick Turland: Coast east of Lynmouth
Nick Turland: Lynmouth
Nick Turland: Footpath to Foreland Point lighthouse
Nick Turland: Ewe and lamb
Nick Turland: View uphill from Foreland Point lighthouse
Nick Turland: Footpath to Foreland Point lighthouse
Nick Turland: The Blue Ball Inn, Countisbury
Nick Turland: Dovecote
Nick Turland: Trilly Wood
Nick Turland: Trilly Wood
Nick Turland: Trilly Wood
Nick Turland: Sunlight through a fern frond
Nick Turland: Dryopteris filix-mas - male fern
Nick Turland: Dryopteris affinis subsp. borreri - scaly male fern
Nick Turland: Polystichum setiferum - soft shield fern
Nick Turland: Athyrium filix-femina - lady fern
Nick Turland: Pteridium aquilinum - bracken
Nick Turland: Blechnum spicant - hard fern
Nick Turland: Blechnum spicant - hard fern
Nick Turland: Polypodium - polypody
Nick Turland: Polypodium - polypody
Nick Turland: Asplenium scolopendrium - hart's-tounge fern
Nick Turland: Asplenium adiantum-nigrum - black spleenwort