lmml: big type
lmml: madonna
lmml: such great heights
lmml: such great heights
lmml: such great heights
lmml: such great heights
lmml: fancy stuff
lmml: post wilma?
lmml: hanging remains
lmml: new crop
lmml: the grounds + tourists
lmml: the grounds
lmml: mayan stonework
lmml: stone face
lmml: just a window
lmml: how short?
lmml: this short.
lmml: dos pillars
lmml: vegetation
lmml: survey
lmml: IMG_0928.JPG
lmml: a bluish-green hue
lmml: mayan edifice
lmml: great hats
lmml: three
lmml: steppin
lmml: from below
lmml: la playa
lmml: last of the palapas
lmml: rocks, stones