nstaeck: Wii dance off
nstaeck: Wii dance off
nstaeck: Wii dance off
nstaeck: Wii dance off
nstaeck: Wii dance off
nstaeck: perfecting Dirty Dancing
nstaeck: knees to the face
nstaeck: my little Badger
nstaeck: sweet picture
nstaeck: Quinn & Christina
nstaeck: Gio getting comfy at the bar
nstaeck: watching the Badger game
nstaeck: T-Bob's - best bar ever
nstaeck: Ashley just threw a bullseye
nstaeck: Kristina's face says it all
nstaeck: Jake throwing a bullseye
nstaeck: Kristina throwing a bullseye
nstaeck: Giovanna throwing a bullseye
nstaeck: her smile scares me
nstaeck: playing with guns
nstaeck: chicks wth guns
nstaeck: don't bring your guns to town
nstaeck: tossing darts
nstaeck: hugs
nstaeck: rockin' out
nstaeck: DJ duty
nstaeck: Jake and his manly mini
nstaeck: mini beers
nstaeck: dancing with the locals
nstaeck: Quinn & Kristina