nstaeck: UFO Cactus Plants
nstaeck: Our dune buggy company
nstaeck: FIB
nstaeck: looking east
nstaeck: beautiful view
nstaeck: the gang
nstaeck: our transportation
nstaeck: Plateau
nstaeck: red rock
nstaeck: go-getter
nstaeck: Dune Buggies in Sedona!
nstaeck: Mr. Gecko
nstaeck: our off-road machine
nstaeck: the creek that we drove through
nstaeck: model Dom
nstaeck: Our dune buggies
nstaeck: cool tree
nstaeck: Agave plant
nstaeck: Ash looking out
nstaeck: creek 3
nstaeck: creek 2
nstaeck: creek
nstaeck: biking down the creek
nstaeck: green desert
nstaeck: more desert
nstaeck: desert
nstaeck: looking into the cabin
nstaeck: inside the cabin
nstaeck: Van Deren Cabin
nstaeck: old cabin