nstaeck: Happy New Year's!!
nstaeck: Our 1 year anniversary!
nstaeck: Lights on 16th Street Mall in Denver, CO
nstaeck: Mom & Me in downtown Racine
nstaeck: Bar shakers at Henry & Wanda's
nstaeck: Me & Grandma Staeck & Mom
nstaeck: Grandpa's morning coffee
nstaeck: Snow angel baby
nstaeck: Bradley and Grandma Staeck
nstaeck: John, Judy, Katie & Scott
nstaeck: Grandpa & Bradley
nstaeck: Nick & Bradley with Grandpa Staeck
nstaeck: Bradley & Renee
nstaeck: Katie & Bradley
nstaeck: Grandma's Hands
nstaeck: Grandma looking out the window
nstaeck: Grandpa taking a rest
nstaeck: The snow-covered tree outside Gma & Gpa Staeck's
nstaeck: Mom wearing the slippers I made her
nstaeck: Dad trying to play the bagpipe I got him
nstaeck: Renee posing with the courderoy duck I got her
nstaeck: Buddy the Badger!!
nstaeck: Mickey & Sharon
nstaeck: Nice face mom
nstaeck: Post Christmas dinner conversation
nstaeck: Grandpa making Anthony laugh
nstaeck: Grandma Moore at Christmas
nstaeck: Typical Christmas outfit for Renee
nstaeck: Gee, you're funny Neil!
nstaeck: Funny face