Deeped Strandh: Wasp and the peony
Deeped Strandh: Peony of summer
Deeped Strandh: Bumblebee in a liftoff from peony
Deeped Strandh: Bumblebee in action
Deeped Strandh: Take off from good work done
Deeped Strandh: Bumblebee preparing for a touchdown on a peony
Deeped Strandh: Hardworking bumblebee and pink peony
Deeped Strandh: Flying bumblebee and a peony
Deeped Strandh: Bumblebee in a peony
Deeped Strandh: Bumblebee, a wasp and a peony
Deeped Strandh: Bumblebee at peony
Deeped Strandh: Yoda tittar på blommor
Deeped Strandh: Sommarkatten
Deeped Strandh: Midsommarkatt