nsgoh(song): DSC01893
nsgoh(song): btu-78
nsgoh(song): Taihu, China
nsgoh(song): Good Morning。 早安,红红的太阳往上爬呀往上爬。。。。
nsgoh(song): Moment of silence
nsgoh(song): Stroll of evening Love 夕陽頌
nsgoh(song): Love Promise 愛的宣言
nsgoh(song): Before the night falls, Kidurong Beach
nsgoh(song): The more we are together, 大家來相聚
nsgoh(song): Flight of aspiration. 飛往理想
nsgoh(song): Light and shadow before darkness. 捕光抓影
nsgoh(song): Sunset 18:32
nsgoh(song): DSC_4083