nScaleRail: Composite of 1944 map and Google 45 degree Google Street view imagery.
nScaleRail: 4'x8' sheet of plywood overlaid onto Jay Street map.
nScaleRail: Painted bench work
nScaleRail: Corner section painted
nScaleRail: Cork covered foam core I must be dreaming.
nScaleRail: Cork covered foam core
nScaleRail: Photoshop of belgain block
nScaleRail: Testing the foamcore and cork combo
nScaleRail: Little to no warping
nScaleRail: Slight warping
nScaleRail: Jay St. Float bridge made out of 1/2" plywood
nScaleRail: Jay St. Float bridge made out of 1/2" plywood
nScaleRail: Jay-Street-Terminal---Jay-Street-Connecting-Railroad