nsawyer: So grateful that i live by this lake! #dayoff #mondaysaresaturdays #lakemichigan
nsawyer: My beautiful, fun, thoughtful wife surprised me with tickets to Spamilton tonight for our third anniversary. I'm grateful for three wonderful years and looking forward to many more! #muchlove
nsawyer: The Easter Lily banners in the sanctuary for the 4:00 Jazz service. #Beautiful #nofilter
nsawyer: Easter lilies prepped and waiting for Easter! Thanks to soooo many people who helped paint.
nsawyer: Iron Goddess of Mercy tea. The buds unfurl in hot water. #metaphorforlife Thanks @shawnabowman
nsawyer: Easter lilies are beginning to bloom at Fourth Church.
nsawyer: Stomp! Second row, middle seats! Woohoo!
nsawyer: I am so not ready for Christmas. This is the lobby today in the John Hancock Tower.
nsawyer: Hamilton, the musical, with my love.
nsawyer: And now this. #hamilton #greatseats
nsawyer: Bride on the bike trail. Summer day in October!
nsawyer: I want to remember this in the middle of the season that must not be named, but which rhymes with hinter.
nsawyer: Again with the beautiful window in my office. Oh, the sunshine is delicious.
nsawyer: #nofilter it looks unreal, but it's real! #grandcanyon
nsawyer: Don't forget to look up! #nofilter
nsawyer: The incredible window beside my desk at work. Sometimes it makes everything okay. #nofilter
nsawyer: #sweetlight #lateintheday #citylife
nsawyer: Happy to be visited by old friends from St. James this morning at Fourth Presbyterian Church.
nsawyer: My wife took a picture of teeny tiny me up in that big pulpit.
nsawyer: Heading home from church. Just checking on the flag. Yep. Still there.
nsawyer: Ribbons in solidarity with and compassion for the lgbtq and Latinx community in Orlando.
nsawyer: Fourth Presbyterian Church.
nsawyer: Fourth Presbyterian Church
nsawyer: Fourth Presbyterian Church, Chicago. Tolling the bells and reading the names at 3:00 pm. #orlando #lgbtq #latinx #grieving
nsawyer: #Easter in the sanctuary. Alleluia!
nsawyer: Let's get creative! #easter
nsawyer: Tools of the trade... #easter
nsawyer: Duty done. Don't forget to vote!
nsawyer: Getting ready for the closing worship service at St James Presbyterian Church. A loved and faithful community from 1929-2016. Thank you, good and faithful servants.
nsawyer: My name is hard for people. But this gets the job done.