nredmond: My reflection in the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM)
nredmond: Jewish Memorial in Berlin
nredmond: Sicily
nredmond: Sicily
nredmond: Cannonball Run 2009 03
nredmond: Awards Show after-party
nredmond: FITC, evening 1
nredmond: FITC, end of night 0 (Pre-conference evening)
nredmond: FITC
nredmond: FITC Conference Pass, plus pinstripes with white cons :)
nredmond: Meeting Joshua Davis at FITC, Toronto 2009
nredmond: With Shawn Pucknell at FITC
nredmond: With Marcos Chin at FITC
nredmond: Me at Wimbledon 2009
nredmond: Niamh Redmond - Blue Beanie Day '09