NRE: angle shades moth
NRE: Acidia cognata fly inside a tulip
NRE: Acidia cognata fly inside a tulip
NRE: Hoverfly on skimmia
NRE: Bee Fly on Skimmia
NRE: stripey eyed fly
NRE: Balancing act
NRE: bee on verbena bonariensis
NRE: Hoverfly on echinops
NRE: Hoverfly on echinops
NRE: honey bee on Echinops
NRE: speckled bush cricket
NRE: So hot even the wasps need a drink
NRE: Hoverfly
NRE: hummingbird hawk-moth
NRE: hummingbird hawk-moth
NRE: flesh fly on hebe
NRE: honey bee on euphorbia
NRE: green eyed flower bee
NRE: Mint moth
NRE: Bee on Astrantia
NRE: Honey bee on Lavender
NRE: tawney mining bee?
NRE: green bottle fly
NRE: holly blue butterfly
NRE: Flying hoverfly
NRE: Leaving the nest
NRE: Flying hoverfly
NRE: Hoverfly
NRE: Bee Fly