NorthernPrint: Turning the wheel of the press
NorthernPrint: Rolling out the ink
NorthernPrint: Placing the inked up shaped on the press
NorthernPrint: Preparing to print
NorthernPrint: Inky fingers
NorthernPrint: Inky fingers
NorthernPrint: Rolling out the inks
NorthernPrint: Inking up the shape
NorthernPrint: Inking up the shapes
NorthernPrint: Cutting out artwork
NorthernPrint: Finished Halloween print
NorthernPrint: Peeling back the print
NorthernPrint: Preparing artwork to print
NorthernPrint: Happy Printers
NorthernPrint: Beautiful Halloween Print
NorthernPrint: Printmaker hard at work
NorthernPrint: Revealing the finished print
NorthernPrint: Halloween print
NorthernPrint: Little printers preparing artwork
NorthernPrint: Cutting out artwork
NorthernPrint: Working in the gallery
NorthernPrint: Artwork prep
NorthernPrint: Artwork prep
NorthernPrint: Cutting out artwork