NPS Geologic Heritage: Map of region
NPS Geologic Heritage: Notch Peak, Utah
NPS Geologic Heritage: Wheeler Amphitheater
NPS Geologic Heritage: Elrathia kingii
NPS Geologic Heritage: Swasey Spring Quarry
NPS Geologic Heritage: Fossils at Drum Mountains
NPS Geologic Heritage: Modocia typicalis
NPS Geologic Heritage: Hemirhodon amplipyge
NPS Geologic Heritage: Trilobites and rare brachiopods
NPS Geologic Heritage: aglaspid Beckwithia typa
NPS Geologic Heritage: Pseudoarctolepis sharpi
NPS Geologic Heritage: Casterocystis sprinklei Carpoid
NPS Geologic Heritage: Hexinellid sponge
NPS Geologic Heritage: Aysheaia prolata
NPS Geologic Heritage: juvenile anomelacarid
NPS Geologic Heritage: Soft bodied fossil