nrparsons: Old bike, old camera
nrparsons: Sushi bar
nrparsons: Yashica Electro 35
nrparsons: Troubadour
nrparsons: I'm getting my picture taken?
nrparsons: Playing on the fountain
nrparsons: Two Yashicas
nrparsons: Rush
nrparsons: Yashica Electro 35 GSN rangefinder adjustment
nrparsons: Playing on the fountain b&w
nrparsons: Electro 35 rangefinder linkage
nrparsons: Electro 35 GSN circuit board
nrparsons: Yashica Electro 35 GSN
nrparsons: IMGP4433 (Copy)
nrparsons: IMGP4437 (Copy)
nrparsons: IMGP4436 (Copy)
nrparsons: IMGP4435 (Copy)
nrparsons: IMGP4434 (Copy)
nrparsons: Flower
nrparsons: Workbench
nrparsons: Drawing
nrparsons: Evening lake 3
nrparsons: Playing on the fountain
nrparsons: Image 7
nrparsons: Tasting the light
nrparsons: troubador