n.pantazis: The Bridge Illuminated
n.pantazis: Moonset over the Ionian Sea
n.pantazis: A sunset at the Ionian Sea
n.pantazis: New Year's Day with a sunrise
n.pantazis: Villages in eastern Aigialeia
n.pantazis: Plataniotissa Village and the starry sky
n.pantazis: Lights on
n.pantazis: Bright summer star Antares
n.pantazis: Plataniotissa Village
n.pantazis: Plataniotissa countryside
n.pantazis: A country nightscape
n.pantazis: The Milky Way and a greek-orthodox church
n.pantazis: One more milky way sight
n.pantazis: Trying to be still
n.pantazis: Spiky Stars at the end of the road
n.pantazis: Summertime with the Milky Way
n.pantazis: Boufouskia village
n.pantazis: Kerynitis stream gorge
n.pantazis: October 28, 2023 lunar partial eclipse
n.pantazis: Dusky time
n.pantazis: Milky Way first shot this summer
n.pantazis: Vineyards and more
n.pantazis: Abandoned
n.pantazis: Morning light
n.pantazis: A view in the Perithori area
n.pantazis: Nostalgia
n.pantazis: Krios stream upper valley
n.pantazis: Cephalanthera rubra
n.pantazis: Looking back