NoWin: Bought a RadarActive module for my V1 detector
NoWin: Innerds
NoWin: Simple enought, until you need to get up under the dash....
NoWin: I attached a Velcro(t) strip to the back of the module, fully expecting it will never stay long on the firewall.
NoWin: IMG_3627
NoWin: No easy way to string the cable, short of drillimg a small pass-through hole in the console-to-dash seam.
NoWin: Will do for now until I get a hard-mount or a vent mount for the iPhone.
NoWin: Arkon SM429-SBH. Since the iPhone has a case, most regular iPhone mounts wont fit it.
NoWin: IMG_3709
NoWin: IMG_3716
NoWin: IMG_3718
NoWin: IMG_3720
NoWin: The prongs are a secure fit when you slide them in.
NoWin: IMG_3723
NoWin: IMG_3732
NoWin: IMG_3730
NoWin: Spring loaded side clamps
NoWin: IMG_3735
NoWin: DSC_5087
NoWin: DSC_5088
NoWin: DSC_5091
NoWin: IMG_3738
NoWin: Clamps hold very securely
NoWin: Feet are adjustable
NoWin: DSC_5097
NoWin: I moved the adjustable feet closer to use the iPhone upside down and access the plug
NoWin: Looks like I need to dust inside the vents....
NoWin: DSC_5106
NoWin: Route the cable up under the steering column
NoWin: And behind the V1 CD (modded by LanGuy)