nowhereonearth: Worth the wait (Cymbidium Dorothy Stockstill 'New Horizon ')
nowhereonearth: Cymbidium opening
nowhereonearth: buds and blooms (Cymbidium sp.)
nowhereonearth: Goofy in yellow (Cymbidium orchid)
nowhereonearth: rainy day cymbidium
nowhereonearth: Hairy lip (Cymbidium sp.)
nowhereonearth: sunny day cymbidium
nowhereonearth: sunny (Cymbidium sp.)
nowhereonearth: spotted throat (Cymbidium sp.)
nowhereonearth: Cymbidium
nowhereonearth: sunny orchid
nowhereonearth: Cymbidium orchids
nowhereonearth: Cymbidiums on the front porch
nowhereonearth: white Cymbidium orchid
nowhereonearth: trio (Phalaenopsis sp.)
nowhereonearth: sexless (Phalaenopsis sp.)
nowhereonearth: subtle shadows (Phalaenopsis sp.)
nowhereonearth: phaleonopsis at night
nowhereonearth: Cattleya orchid
nowhereonearth: ruffles & flourishes (Cattleya)
nowhereonearth: dendrobium
nowhereonearth: Happy Mother's Day! (Dendrobium sp.)
nowhereonearth: Dendrobium at the kitchen window
nowhereonearth: Oncidium 'Sharry Baby'
nowhereonearth: Lady slipper orchid (Paphiopedilum sp., maybe P. callosum)
nowhereonearth: slipper orchids (Paphiopedalum sp.)
nowhereonearth: slipper orchid (Paphiopedilum)
nowhereonearth: slipper orchid detail (Paphiopedilum)
nowhereonearth: spotted orchid (Oncidium sp.)
nowhereonearth: Reed-stemmed orchids (Epidendrum ibaguense)