nowhereonearth: Blowin' in the wind (Eschscholzia californica)
nowhereonearth: fuzzy (Sinningia leucotricha)
nowhereonearth: Petunia 'Pretty Much Picasso'
nowhereonearth: Sunrise plant (Anacampseros telephiastrum 'variegata')
nowhereonearth: A bouquet for my Flickr friends
nowhereonearth: spiral (Rosa 'Neptune')
nowhereonearth: sapphire tower (Puya alpestris)
nowhereonearth: Paul's succulent basket (Graptopetalum paraguayense)
nowhereonearth: he loves me not (Santolina)
nowhereonearth: Palm sheath (Archontophoenix cunninghamiana )
nowhereonearth: another perfect sunset
nowhereonearth: Big Sur, March 2002
nowhereonearth: Is it lunchtime?
nowhereonearth: Golden springtime in the Desert Garden
nowhereonearth: Agave attenuata variegata
nowhereonearth: baby's necklace (Crassula rupestris ssp. marnieriana)
nowhereonearth: Mother-in-law's tongue (Sansieveria trifasciata)
nowhereonearth: Variegated-leafed bromeliad (Neoregelia--maybe 'Aztec'?)
nowhereonearth: No hugging
nowhereonearth: Succulents
nowhereonearth: Nesbitt house, polypodium fern