nowhereonearth: May colors (jacaranda, bougainvillea & ficus)
nowhereonearth: Courtyard garden
nowhereonearth: not quite white
nowhereonearth: King palm berries (Archontophoenix cunninghamiana)
nowhereonearth: emergence (Archontophoenix cunninghamiana)
nowhereonearth: Orb weaver (Araneus gemma)
nowhereonearth: king palm sheath (Archontophoenix cunninghamiana)
nowhereonearth: Hope in the garden
nowhereonearth: Palm sheath (Archontophoenix cunninghamiana )
nowhereonearth: Lo'ulu palm (Pritchardia beccariana)
nowhereonearth: Lelo lo'ulu (Pritchardia hillebrandii)
nowhereonearth: lo'ulu lelo (Pritchardia hildebrandii)
nowhereonearth: Bamboo palm (Chamaedorea microspadix)
nowhereonearth: Neanthe bella (Chamadorea elegans)
nowhereonearth: Nesbitt House, Cycas revoluta
nowhereonearth: Nesbitt house, palm allee
nowhereonearth: Phormium leaves
nowhereonearth: Cordyline australis 'red sensation'
nowhereonearth: Metal palm (Chamaedorea metallica)
nowhereonearth: Split leaf philodendron (Monstera deliciosa)
nowhereonearth: split-leaf philodendron (Monstera deliciousa)
nowhereonearth: Xanthosoma atrovirens 'Albo'
nowhereonearth: 'Cleopatra' canna
nowhereonearth: Bengal tiger canna (Canna pretoria)
nowhereonearth: Silver-leaf princess plant (Tibouchina heteromalla)
nowhereonearth: Silver-leaf princess plant (Tibouchina heteromalla)
nowhereonearth: spiral anthurium (Anthurium wendlingeri)
nowhereonearth: Anthurium with calla leaf