NOWCastSA: Crumbling house on Nolan St.
NOWCastSA: Crumbling house on Nolan St.
NOWCastSA: Crumbling house on Nolan St.
NOWCastSA: Taylor's Barber Shop wall
NOWCastSA: Hays house
NOWCastSA: Hays Street Bridge
NOWCastSA: Dignowity's Center
NOWCastSA: Corner of N. Olive St. and Nolan
NOWCastSA: Childress Memorial Church of God
NOWCastSA: Hemmings Myra Davis Resource Center
NOWCastSA: Fatty's Burgers & More
NOWCastSA: E. Commerce (across from Fredrich Building)
NOWCastSA: Carver Community Cultural Center
NOWCastSA: Corner of E. Commerce and N. Hoegen Ave.
NOWCastSA: Maggott's Grocery
NOWCastSA: Sunset Station
NOWCastSA: Firecat Studio (located in Herwick's Studios)
NOWCastSA: Eastside downtown skyline
NOWCastSA: Chit Chats Barbeque
NOWCastSA: Ellis Alley
NOWCastSA: Star Pointer
NOWCastSA: G.J. Sutton State Office Building
NOWCastSA: G.J. Sutton State Office Building
NOWCastSA: St. Paul's United Methodist
NOWCastSA: Emil Elmendorf House
NOWCastSA: Pee Wee's Lounge
NOWCastSA: Sew-Deluxe
NOWCastSA: across from Tucker's
NOWCastSA: Tucker's Kozy Korner
NOWCastSA: Star Pointer