novice09: Some clouds this morning
novice09: Fair to Partly Cloudy
novice09: Road, Poles, Wires and Glorious Clouds
novice09: Windows, Clouds and an Iconic Sign
novice09: Winter Tree and Pretty Sky
novice09: A Beautiful Day in March
novice09: Stop and wait for traffic to clear
novice09: Power in the countryside
novice09: Clouds
novice09: One of my favorite trees. I have photographed it often
novice09: Truckin' thru Wisconsin
novice09: Power poles and beautiful clouds
novice09: Cloudy Day
novice09: Tall poles and pretty clouds
novice09: HTT & HTT
novice09: Farm and clouds
novice09: Sunny day with clouds
novice09: HTT & HTT
novice09: Pretty day
novice09: Overcast
novice09: Clouds
novice09: Mack Mack
novice09: Clouds
novice09: Over the river
novice09: Cloudy day in Wisconsin