novice09: Lunch Time
novice09: Yesterday's visitor
novice09: Cardinal
novice09: Walkin' the Dog...
novice09: Happy Fence Friday
novice09: Beggar
novice09: Happy Fence Friday
novice09: Taking a drink in the morning Sun
novice09: Seeking a bit of shade
novice09: A single pole
novice09: Livin' the good life.
novice09: Hiding from me
novice09: Watchin' and Waitin'
novice09: Happy Fence Friday
novice09: Happy Fence Friday
novice09: Horses on the hill...HFF
novice09: Feeding time
novice09: At the neighbor's place
novice09: Eagle
novice09: Fledgling
novice09: Fledgling Eagle
novice09: Seeking some shade
novice09: Her name is Noodle
novice09: Eagle
novice09: "From here I can see the whole park"
novice09: Grazing
novice09: Happy Fence Friday
novice09: Checking on the fledgling
novice09: Frosty Fence
novice09: 'till the cows come home.