~Point Pleasant~
~Misty Morn~
~Peggy's Cove Light~
~I Brought You Flowers :)
~~Small Ships~ : )
~Sun Shower~
~ tt ~
~The Playfair~
~Halifax Waterfront~
~Peggys Cove Wallpaper~
~The Rotunda~
~Seafarers Memorial Point Pleasant Park~
~Bright and Surly~
~Point Pleasant Park~
~North River Waterfall~
~Welcome to Peggys Cove~Best Large~
~Indian Harbour~
~Good Day Eh~
On the Waterfront
~Day Dreamer~
~The Fog~Best Large~
~Salvation II~
~Snakes and Snails and ~~~~
~Pirates In the Harbour~
~Peggy's Cove~
~Georges Island Lighthouse~
~Georges Island Light~