NottyPooch: Both running together!
NottyPooch: Waiting. Not-so-patiently.
NottyPooch: Getting lazy...
NottyPooch: Coco's turn.
NottyPooch: Oh my butt! :D
NottyPooch: Full force!
NottyPooch: Warming up.
NottyPooch: Xiao Bi.
NottyPooch: Xiao Bi waiting for her running session.
NottyPooch: Still doesn't want to look at the camera. Poser!
NottyPooch: Coco. Refused to look at the camera.
NottyPooch: Fooooooh!
NottyPooch: Still running!
NottyPooch: Woohoo!
NottyPooch: Getting ready for the run.
NottyPooch: And Xiao Bi too! :)
NottyPooch: Coco came helping with her gear!
NottyPooch: Drunk? :p
NottyPooch: Coco via Pudding :)
NottyPooch: Xiao Bi via Pudding. :)
NottyPooch: Best buddies a.k.a partners in crime.
NottyPooch: Xiao Bi's oral hygiene is also Coco's responsibility.
NottyPooch: Biting each others' ears. :)
NottyPooch: Coco thinks it's her responsibility to clean Xiao Bi's ears. :)
NottyPooch: For some reason we keep having the feeling that the new collar is making Coco looking like the lead singer of a steampunk-rock band. Or at least the guitarist.
NottyPooch: Coco torturing the already-flat-ball.
NottyPooch: One of Bi's favourite snacks - wheatgrass.
NottyPooch: Kei Kei
NottyPooch: What's that?
NottyPooch: Coco the supermutt.