notthesame: Trees
notthesame: Google Maps
notthesame: Staten Island Ferry + Statue of Liberty
notthesame: trees in central park
notthesame: king of the Jill
notthesame: fall colors
notthesame: trees
notthesame: bridge
notthesame: central park
notthesame: Hill Jill
notthesame: Letterman
notthesame: Famiglia Pizza
notthesame: sidewalk microwave shot
notthesame: P1000573
notthesame: P1000577
notthesame: P1000593
notthesame: P1000578
notthesame: P1000581
notthesame: P1000594
notthesame: P1000597
notthesame: P1000601
notthesame: Basket Delivery System
notthesame: MP3 isle
notthesame: New Yorker
notthesame: Phantom of the Opera
notthesame: Phantom of the Opera
notthesame: Birdland jazz club