notthesame: Practice @ the submarine
notthesame: Herndon's artwork
notthesame: the controls to the submarine
notthesame: glassa earplugs
notthesame: This means something
notthesame: leftover practice
notthesame: that 70's couch
notthesame: The Alan Parsons Project
notthesame: Multitrack
notthesame: Audio Stream
notthesame: CD + DAT Recorders
notthesame: video stream
notthesame: DSCN7002
notthesame: Patrick + Aquanaut
notthesame: Patrick + chall
notthesame: Patrick + Shaw & chall
notthesame: fuzzy
notthesame: The Aquanauts
notthesame: FOH console, camera, video stream, multytrack
notthesame: fuzzy
notthesame: Good camera + Hananel
notthesame: DSCN6993
notthesame: Chris Jammin'
notthesame: JRC @ F.O.H.
notthesame: Chris Piano Hat
notthesame: iSLErO + Patrick
notthesame: Keyboards
notthesame: DSCN7010
notthesame: DSCN7009
notthesame: DSCN7008