westoncfoto: Kingfisher a
westoncfoto: Kingfisher b
westoncfoto: Kingfisher c
westoncfoto: alpaca portrait iii
westoncfoto: alpaca portrait ii
westoncfoto: me and my shadow
westoncfoto: did you just see that?
westoncfoto: alpaca portrait i
westoncfoto: on a clear day - Drax Power Station from the edge of Sheffield
westoncfoto: erosion
westoncfoto: conspiratorial wink
westoncfoto: late summer light & shade
westoncfoto: Blackamoor birch
westoncfoto: in the open
westoncfoto: web abstract
westoncfoto: moment in the sun
westoncfoto: in the spotlight
westoncfoto: hoverfly perspective
westoncfoto: Painted Lady
westoncfoto: hiding
westoncfoto: Blackamoor birch ii
westoncfoto: Blackamoor birch iii
westoncfoto: flatweed? or possibly Wild Lettuce
westoncfoto: red admiral
westoncfoto: droplets of Fuchsia
westoncfoto: ragamuffin Robin
westoncfoto: framed
westoncfoto: mid strike
westoncfoto: gone fishing