westoncfoto: Azure Damselflies - Coenagrion puella iii
westoncfoto: Azure Damselflies - Coenagrion puella ii
westoncfoto: Azure Damselflies - Coenagrion puella i
westoncfoto: Blue Tailed damselfly -m - Ischnura elegans
westoncfoto: Azure damselfly (m) Coenagrion puella
westoncfoto: Common Blues in cop - Enallagma cyathigerum
westoncfoto: Four spot chaser profile - Libellula quadrimaculata.
westoncfoto: wing damage
westoncfoto: Emperor at rest/hiding - Anax imperator
westoncfoto: on a wing and a prayer
westoncfoto: immature Common Blue (f) -Enallagma cyathigerum
westoncfoto: Common Blue Damselfly - immature blue form (M) - Enallagma cyathigerum
westoncfoto: immature Common Blue Damselfly (M) - Enallagma cyathigerum
westoncfoto: Common Blue Damselfly - green form (F) - Enallagma cyathigerum
westoncfoto: four spotted chaser - Libellula quadrimaculata v
westoncfoto: four spotted chaser - Libellula quadrimaculata iv
westoncfoto: four spotted chaser - Libellula quadrimaculata iii
westoncfoto: four spotted chaser - Libellula quadrimaculata ii
westoncfoto: four spotted chaser - Libellula quadrimaculata
westoncfoto: Common Blue Damselfly - immature green form (F) - Enallagma cyathigerum
westoncfoto: Emerald damselfly (f) - Lestes sponsa
westoncfoto: Common Blue Damselfly (M) - Enallagma cyathigerum
westoncfoto: Banded Demoiselle female - Calopteryx splendens
westoncfoto: Four Spot Chaser in the reeds
westoncfoto: Four Spot Chaser - Libellula quadrimaculata
westoncfoto: Broad Bodied Chaser (m) Libellula depressa
westoncfoto: Banded Demoiselle (m)- Calopteryx splendens ii
westoncfoto: Banded Demoiselle (m)- Calopteryx splendens
westoncfoto: Azure damsel fly (m) Coenagrion puella
westoncfoto: Broad Bodied Chaser (f) Libellula depressa