岡崎亜龍: 'That sounds perfectly reasonable,' he said, lying
岡崎亜龍: 'Everything in moderation,' says our host. 'Everything except alcohol'
岡崎亜龍: definitely the friendliest guy at the bar
岡崎亜龍: lång levande Sverige
岡崎亜龍: the most photogenic man alive
岡崎亜龍: swedes to the left, swedes to the right, his sanity fractures
岡崎亜龍: 'if i don't look, maybe it'll go away'
岡崎亜龍: range-boosting tomato
岡崎亜龍: bork bork bork bork
岡崎亜龍: swede with knife
岡崎亜龍: frenchman with knife
岡崎亜龍: アレは誰だ、誰だ、誰だ
岡崎亜龍: we enjoy television