JenGallardo: Jason enjoying Fox's company
JenGallardo: Boat Companions
JenGallardo: Fox watching the other boat
JenGallardo: Fox and Furries
JenGallardo: Jason being dramatic
JenGallardo: Mario and Fox
JenGallardo: Docking the Boat
JenGallardo: At the Dock
JenGallardo: A Regal Fox
JenGallardo: Fox in the Sun
JenGallardo: A Clear Winter's Day #1
JenGallardo: A Clear Winter's Day #2
JenGallardo: Inside the clubhouse
JenGallardo: Karaoke time!
JenGallardo: Just another picturesque bwisland sunset
JenGallardo: Sunset and a few clouds
JenGallardo: Wood Knots
JenGallardo: Horizon Colors
JenGallardo: Sun almost down #1
JenGallardo: Sun almost down #2
JenGallardo: Self portrait
JenGallardo: Wood texture
JenGallardo: Planks of Wood
JenGallardo: One of the last sunsets of 2019
JenGallardo: Murder Mystery Dinner Attire #1
JenGallardo: Murder Mystery Dinner Attire #2
JenGallardo: Best Selfie Ever
JenGallardo: Oysters in Water