JenGallardo: Day One: Our Chevy Cruze for the Trip
JenGallardo: It had satellite radio..
JenGallardo: After a long drive, we made it to the dock!
JenGallardo: On the Island
JenGallardo: A view of the clubhouse
JenGallardo: Mario in his inflatable couch
JenGallardo: A Pokemon Go Tutorial
JenGallardo: First Beautiful Sunset of Bwisland 2016
JenGallardo: The dock on the island at sunset
JenGallardo: Bwisland Libations
JenGallardo: Dancing in the Moonlight
JenGallardo: Mario jumps into the water
JenGallardo: Moonlighting at the Dock
JenGallardo: Day Two: Selfie of Me and Ant enjoying bwisland
JenGallardo: Making crabs
JenGallardo: Crab Handling #1
JenGallardo: Crab Handling #2
JenGallardo: Crab Handling Video
JenGallardo: Dead Crabs
JenGallardo: Supplies for Shooting
JenGallardo: Jen Shooting
JenGallardo: Boat Ride!
JenGallardo: Anthony being silly
JenGallardo: Mario Tubing in the Sun
JenGallardo: Mario Enjoying Tubing
JenGallardo: Anthony on the Tube
JenGallardo: Sharp curves ahead for Ant
JenGallardo: Ant holding on for dear life
JenGallardo: Anthony on the tube video
JenGallardo: Ant still holding on