JenGallardo: My first restaurant in Memphis
JenGallardo: My first meal in Memphis
JenGallardo: Lake at Overton Park
JenGallardo: Hannah watching the ball
JenGallardo: Hannah wants you to throw her tennis ball
JenGallardo: Hannah's got the ball
JenGallardo: The Fence...
JenGallardo: Picnic table doodles
JenGallardo: In the car, on our way to the docks for boating
JenGallardo: Another view from inside the car
JenGallardo: Photo from the road
JenGallardo: Laura and Jen
JenGallardo: Diamond Lady
JenGallardo: Diamond Lady boat
JenGallardo: Diamond Lady aka GHOST BOAT!
JenGallardo: Seat on the boat
JenGallardo: Sparkling sun on the water
JenGallardo: Mast of the boat
JenGallardo: My feet, my shoes
JenGallardo: On 4th of July weekend
JenGallardo: Back of the boat
JenGallardo: Laura and Jen pose for the camera
JenGallardo: Boat and water
JenGallardo: Laura drinking her apple martini, or plum wine, hard to tell which
JenGallardo: From the side of the boat
JenGallardo: On the boat
JenGallardo: Laura and Jen enjoying the boat ride
JenGallardo: Better view of our boat, the Laura Elena
JenGallardo: Boat, water, sun
JenGallardo: More of the boat