JenGallardo: Nick posing for the camera
JenGallardo: Nick and Ant...
JenGallardo: Tasia taking a shot...
JenGallardo: Anthony bowling with the Wii-mote
JenGallardo: Que lindo
JenGallardo: Nick laughing at something or other
JenGallardo: Julie's turn
JenGallardo: Anthony and Nick starting fires...
JenGallardo: Nick going all out to survive the round of bowling
JenGallardo: Anthony drinking Corona
JenGallardo: Anthony and Nick
JenGallardo: Look at those scores
JenGallardo: Tasia asleep again
JenGallardo: Tasia is passed out...
JenGallardo: Perhaps this is when Nick stabbed Anthony with an icicle...
JenGallardo: After Nick chased Anthony with an icicle down the street
JenGallardo: Anthony on Nick
JenGallardo: Anthony and Nick being stupid
JenGallardo: Ant being a gentleman...
JenGallardo: Ant and me
JenGallardo: Tasia, Nick, and Ant in the background
JenGallardo: The 24 hour supermarket...
JenGallardo: Smoke and Mirrors...
JenGallardo: Irish Pub
JenGallardo: Mounds of frozen snow...
JenGallardo: Let's just take a look at the score...
JenGallardo: Tasia, this time awake, with Ant and Nick
JenGallardo: Anthony flexing his Wii muscle
JenGallardo: The Wii remote
JenGallardo: Nick and Tasia and the Wii