Serena McClain:
Smoky Mountains
Serena McClain:
Kavita and Michael
Serena McClain:
the rapid we didn't get to go down
Serena McClain:
Jamie, Stacey and Lisa
Serena McClain:
Amy, Brian and John
Serena McClain:
Serena McClain:
Jessie and Shana
Serena McClain:
Serena McClain:
Lisa and Stacey
Serena McClain:
laughter was the prescription of the day
Serena McClain:
Too pimp for his own good
Serena McClain:
Steve with gag-worthy chest hair
Serena McClain:
blur fever
Serena McClain:
Luke dedicated his life to bringing polyester back
Serena McClain:
Serena McClain:
secret sharing
Serena McClain:
the road I got the van stuck on
Serena McClain:
our cabin
Serena McClain:
Serena McClain:
KB and Gary
Serena McClain:
Sarah at 70s happy hour
Serena McClain:
Steph working the 70s
Serena McClain: