赤戀: 我已不屬於牽掛
赤戀: 霧裡看花又見你
赤戀: 驀然回首時
赤戀: 如果那都已回不去了
赤戀: Sleep with the night
赤戀: sleepless night
赤戀: 迷失在遠方
赤戀: Everything in its time
赤戀: Something there
赤戀: Raise the red lantern
赤戀: I have been waiting for your call
赤戀: I could have told you that the world was never meant for one as beautiful as you
赤戀: Moi et Emilie, nous parlons français.
赤戀: Are you in front of me or in disguise?
赤戀: 尋找●靈魂