Timo-Schaefer: sunglass hut
Timo-Schaefer: L.A. Noire
Timo-Schaefer: hand in hand
Timo-Schaefer: through the glasses
Timo-Schaefer: Dont look back
Timo-Schaefer: Sunlight
Timo-Schaefer: We can handle it all
Timo-Schaefer: Come on
Timo-Schaefer: Hero of War
Timo-Schaefer: i heart NY
Timo-Schaefer: Grandpa
Timo-Schaefer: Grandma
Timo-Schaefer: smiling house
Timo-Schaefer: to care about someone
Timo-Schaefer: Man on Floor
Timo-Schaefer: today is cleaning day
Timo-Schaefer: stopping by...
Timo-Schaefer: loyalty
Timo-Schaefer: leaving behind
Timo-Schaefer: backyard
Timo-Schaefer: Minolta CLE
Timo-Schaefer: Apfel Mädchen
Timo-Schaefer: Neustadt 2012