United to Beat Malaria:
Congressman Doug Collins (GA-9) (left), Rutherford Seydel (right)
United to Beat Malaria:
Bishop Watson, United Methodist Church; Congressman Doug Collins (GA-9); Rutherford Seydel II, Partner, Davis, Pickren, Seydel & Sneed, LLP; John Rutherford Seydel; Peter McElroy, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/President’s Malaria Initiative
United to Beat Malaria:
John Rutherford Seydel is excited to join Nothing But Nets in sending life-saving bednets to refugee families
United to Beat Malaria:
John Rutherford Seydel joins Nothing But Nets in the fight to defeat malaria
United to Beat Malaria:
Nothing But Nets Director, Chris Helfrich, gets ready to kick-off the event
United to Beat Malaria:
Nothing But Nets Director, Chris Helfrich, spreads the word that $10 is all it takes to send a life-saving bednet
United to Beat Malaria:
Congressman Doug Collins (GA-9), Rutherford Seydel, Chris Helfirch, Bishop Watson (left to right)
United to Beat Malaria:
Representatives from Emory University and Hamilton University join the malaria conversation. Catherine Nguyen, Lee Orr, Morgan Lane (left to right)
United to Beat Malaria:
Inspirational remarks from the speakers left attendees excited to join the fight to defeat malaria with Nothing But Nets
United to Beat Malaria:
Rohit Malhotra, Executive Director and Founder, Center for Civic Innovation introduces Chris Helfrich by sharing some history about the Center for Civic Innovation
United to Beat Malaria:
Nothing But Nets Director, Chris Helfrich kicks-off the event
United to Beat Malaria:
"We can imagine a world without malaria" --Bishop Watson, United Methodist Church
United to Beat Malaria:
"With the proper conditions, malaria can be treated and eradicated." --Bishop Watson, United Methodist Church
United to Beat Malaria:
"There are enough complicated things in the world, let's solve something like malaria." --Congressman Doug Collins (GA-9)
United to Beat Malaria:
"What noise will you make in the world? Ask yourself, what can I do to help organizations like Nothing But Nets?" --Congressman Doug Collins (GA-9)
United to Beat Malaria:
Dikembe Mutombo, former Atlana Hawks player and NBA All-Star shares his personal connection to malaria
United to Beat Malaria:
Anyone--from athletes to congressmen--can join the fight to defeat malaria! (Dikembe Mutombo and Congressman Doug Collins (GA-9))
United to Beat Malaria:
Rutherford Seydel, Dikembe Mutombo, Congressman Doug Collins (GA-9) (left to right)
United to Beat Malaria:
John Rutherford Seydel shares his connection with the fight against malaria and supporting global health efforts
United to Beat Malaria:
Dikembe Mutombo, former Atlanta Hawks player, shares his personal connection to malaria
United to Beat Malaria:
Nothing But Nets Director, Chris Helfrich and Former Atlanta Hawks player, Dikembe Mutombo share their excitement to rally Georgians in the fight to defeat malaria
United to Beat Malaria:
Dr. Peter McElroy, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/President’s Malaria Initiative, shares his ideas on the fight against malaria
United to Beat Malaria:
Atlanta leaders rally to defeat malaria with Nothing But Nets
United to Beat Malaria:
Nothing But Nets supporters share their excitement to join the fight against malaria with Dikembe Mutombo
United to Beat Malaria:
Nothing But Nets supporters thank Dikembe Mutombo for sharing his inspirational story
United to Beat Malaria:
Jamie Jenkins of the United Methodist Church chats with Dikembe Mutombo, former Atlanta Hawks player about the fight against malaria
United to Beat Malaria:
Dikembe Mutombo and Jamie Jenkins talk malaria strategy with Nothing But Nets
United to Beat Malaria:
United Methodist Church supporters stand with Dikembe Mutombo in the fight against malaria