EmperorNorton47: San Clemente Beach
EmperorNorton47: Tootsies
EmperorNorton47: Country Music Lobby
EmperorNorton47: The Line at Hattie's Hot Chicken
EmperorNorton47: Belarus Demonstration at the State House
EmperorNorton47: Palestinian Demonstration outside the Library
EmperorNorton47: Waiting 15 (Replaced)
EmperorNorton47: Coming off Coronado Bridge
EmperorNorton47: San Diego Museum of Art
EmperorNorton47: Endeavour
EmperorNorton47: The Missions
EmperorNorton47: Endeavour
EmperorNorton47: Under Wing
EmperorNorton47: NAMI Walk at Angel Stadium
EmperorNorton47: Waiting for the Show 7/4/18
EmperorNorton47: Reading the Names at The Wall
EmperorNorton47: Bikers' Party
EmperorNorton47: Doggy Walkers at the Troll Bridge
EmperorNorton47: Crowd at the Red Rocks
EmperorNorton47: Selfie with Sunset Hikers
EmperorNorton47: Concert on Fremont Street
EmperorNorton47: The National Historic Landmark
EmperorNorton47: 4 Queens
EmperorNorton47: Venus de Milo Revolution
EmperorNorton47: Impressionists at Museè d'Orsay
EmperorNorton47: Mingling with Monet
EmperorNorton47: Balcony with Tourists
EmperorNorton47: Statues and Tourists
EmperorNorton47: Latin Quarter
EmperorNorton47: Tourists Gaping at the Venus de Milo