EmperorNorton47: Eating standing up
EmperorNorton47: Mother and baby
EmperorNorton47: Aldabra Tortoises
EmperorNorton47: Gorilla in the mist
EmperorNorton47: Blowing bubbles
EmperorNorton47: Prelude to a kiss
EmperorNorton47: I'm too tired to talk about Qantas
EmperorNorton47: Peccary and piglet
EmperorNorton47: Lamb drop
EmperorNorton47: Mother on a cliff
EmperorNorton47: A wag (explored)
EmperorNorton47: Pensively sniffing
EmperorNorton47: Crossing stripes
EmperorNorton47: Tail to Mouth
EmperorNorton47: The Lord
EmperorNorton47: Confusion of horn and skullbones
EmperorNorton47: Oblivious
EmperorNorton47: The Conversation
EmperorNorton47: Beneath the barn
EmperorNorton47: Lone goral
EmperorNorton47: The Patriarch rests
EmperorNorton47: Stopping before the door
EmperorNorton47: Descending the stairs
EmperorNorton47: Recumbent tiger